Hygienist Information
As hygienists you often have more face time with patients than doctors do and are able to build personal relationships with your patients. As health professionals, you are always looking for ways to benefit patients’ health. To help you determine if the Perio Protect Method™ would benefit your patients, please consider attending a Perio Protect® seminar where you will receive first-hand explanations and research data on this comprehensive treatment approach to manage oral bacteria.The Perio Protect Method incorporates mechanical and chemical therapies with patient homecare for optimal results. The method can be individualized for the different needs of your patients. In many states the method can be administered by hygienists working closely with doctors.
If you would like more information about the Perio Protect Method, including the possible use of the customized prescription trays to place solutions of the clinician’s choice into periodontal pockets, please consider attending a seminar near you.If you would like to attend a seminar independently, without a dentist, please call Perio Protect, LLC toll free 1-866-693-3400 for your special tuition rate.
Live Continuing Education Course The live course, conducted in a seminar format, include lectures, interactive exchanges, and question-and-answer periods. Seminars begin at 8:00 am and end at 12:00 pm. This provider is authorized to confer 4 continuing education units through the AGD for this seminar. After completing the seminar you should:
- Understand the formation of oral biofilms and host responses to them.
- Understand benefits and limitations of antimicrobial and mechanical therapies for biofilm management.
- Learn how and why antimicrobials with oxidative/reduction reactions may help manage biofilms.
- Learn how to incorporate antibiofilm therapies into existing treatments plans.
- Understand when infected cells must be treated with surgery.
- Be able to incorporate periopathogen control treatment into soft tissue management care.
- Be able to help patients augment homecare regimes to manage periopathogens.
- Understand better the relationships between periodontal disease, systemic inflammation and illness.
If you cannot attend a seminar, please consider a self-study continuing education course. The self-study course includes an interactive digital presentation and a full color text that provides additional materials for reference and further study. This provider is authorized to confer 4 continuing education units through the AGD for the completion of this course.
The third option is a live continuing education Webinar.
For a list of clinical research and publications, click here.
Dental Industry Top Product Awards for the
Perio Tray by Perio Protect, LLC